Nobis Lab Epilepsy research at VUMC


Current Projects

Neurocircuitary of seizure-induced respiratory dysfunction and SUDEP

Neurocircuitary of seizure-induced respiratory dysfunction and SUDEP

Characterize extended amygdala to brainstem circuit during cardiorespiratory challenges, seizures and during SUDEP in animal models using in vivo recordings, fiber photometry, wireless telemetry and plethysmography

Functional classification of seizure-activated neurons

Functional classification of seizure-activated neurons

Identify seizure-activated extended amygdala neurons to classify through patch-clamp electrophysiology, functional optogenetics, and transcriptional analysis

Odorants and Epilepsy

Odorants and Epilepsy

Use of novel strategies including odorants and pharmaceuticals to determine pathophysiology of SUDEP and seizure-induced respiratory dysfunction in Dravet Syndrome mouse models.